Prof. Dr. Oliver Stein
- Leiter des Lehrstuhls
- Raum: 104
CS 09.21 - oliver stein ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Blücherstraße 17
76185 Karlsruhe
Publication Activities
Google Scholar
Editorial Activities
- Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (editor-in-chief 2015-2024, member of editorial board 2009-2014).
- Czech Economic Review (member of editorial board 2008-2016).
- Journal of Global Optimization (member of editorial board 2009-2014).
- Optimization (member of editorial board, 2011-2014).
- Central European Journal of Operations Research, Volume 16, Number 2 (2008) (Special issue on "Advances in Continuous Optimization" - guest editor).
- Mathematical Programming, Series B, Volume 136, Issue 1 (2012) (Issue on "Parametric Optimization - Recent Advances" - guest editor).
- Optimization, Volume 57, Issue 1-2 (2008) (Special issue "In Celebration of Prof. Dr Dr H. Th. Jongen's 60th Birthday" - guest editor).
- Optimization, Volume 68, Issue 2-3 (2019) (Special issue on "11th International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related Topics (paraoptXI)" - guest editor).
- Optimization, Volume 73, Issue 10 (2024) (Special issue on "12th International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related Topics (paraoptXI)" - guest editor).
- Pacific Journal of Optimization, Volume 9, Number 2 (2013) (Special issue on "Equilibrium Optimization" - guest editor).
Research Publications
Submitted for Publication:
- L. Lampariello, S. Sagratella, V. Sasso, O. Stein, Solving multi-follower games, Optimization Online, 2023.
- O. Stein, A tutorial on properties of the epigraph reformulation, Optimization Online, 2024.
Publications in Refereed Journals:
80 | C. Eggen, O. Stein, S. Volkwein, Granularity for mixed-integer polynomial optimization problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, to appear. | |
79 | M. Beck, S. Bolender, O. Stein, Optimal configurations for modular systems at the example of crane bridges, Optimization and Engineering (2024). | |
78 | P. Kirst, S. Schwarze, O. Stein, A branch-and-bound algorithm for non-convex Nash equilibrium problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 34 (2024), 3371-3398. | |
77 | O. Stein, M. Volk, On the weakest constraint qualification for sharp local minimizers, Optimization, Vol. 73 (2024), 3259-3274. | |
76 | G. Eichfelder, O. Stein, L. Warnow, A solver for multiobjective mixed-integer convex and nonconvex optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 203 (2024), 1736-1766. | |
75 | S. Schwarze, O. Stein, A branch-and-prune algorithm for discrete Nash equilibrium problems, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 86 (2023), 491-519. | |
74 | O. Stein, M. Volk, Generalized polarity and weakest constraint qualifications in multiobjective optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 198 (2023), 1156-1190. | |
73 | C. Neumann, S. Schwarze, O. Stein, B. Müller, Feasible rounding based diving strategies in branch-and-bound methods for mixed-integer optimization, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, Vol. 10 (2022), 100051. | |
72 | M. Beck, O. Stein, Semi-infinite models for equilibrium selection, Minimax Theory and its Applications, Vol. 9 (2024), 1-18. | |
71 | G. Eichfelder, O. Stein, Limit sets in global multiobjective optimization, Optimization, Vol. 73 (2024), 1-27. | |
70 | C. Zimmerling, C. Poppe, O. Stein, L. Kärger, Optimisation of manufacturing process parameters for variable component geometries using reinforcement learning, Materials & Design, Vol. 214 (2022), 110423. | |
69 | C. Neumann, O. Stein, Feasible rounding approaches for equality constrained mixed-integer optimization problems, Optimization, Vol. 72 (2023), 581-606. | |
68 | H. Djelassi, A. Mitsos, O. Stein, Recent advances in nonconvex semi-infinite programming: applications and algorithms, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, Vol. 9 (2021), 100006. | |
67 | C. Neumann, O. Stein, Generating feasible points for mixed-integer convex optimization problems by inner parallel cuts, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 31 (2021), 2396-2428. | |
66 | L. Lampariello, C. Neumann, J.M. Ricci, S. Sagratella, O. Stein, Equilibrium selection for multi-portfolio optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 295 (2021), 363-373. | |
65 | G. Eichfelder, P. Kirst, L. Meng, O. Stein, A general branch-and-bound framework for continuous global multiobjective optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 80 (2021), 195-227. | |
64 | L. Lampariello, C. Neumann, J.M. Ricci, S. Sagratella, O. Stein, An explicit Tikhonov algorithm for nested variational inequalities, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 77 (2020), 335-350. | |
63 | C. Füllner, P. Kirst, O. Stein, Convergent upper bounds in global minimization with nonlinear equality constraints, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 187 (2021), 617-651. | |
62 | C. Neumann, O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, Bounds on the objective value of feasible roundings, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 48 (2020), 299-313. | |
61 | C. Neumann, O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, Granularity in nonlinear mixed-integer optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 184 (2020), 433-465. | |
60 | L. Lampariello, S. Sagratella, O. Stein, The standard pessimistic bilevel problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 29 (2019), 1634-1656. | |
59 | C. Neumann, O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, A feasible rounding approach for mixed-integer optimization problems, Computational Optimization and Applications , Vol. 72 (2019), 309-337. | |
58 | P. Kirst, O. Stein, Global optimization of generalized semi-infinite programs using disjunctive programming, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 73 (2019), 1-25. | |
57 | T. Bajbar, O. Stein, Coercive polynomials: Stability, order of growth, and Newton polytopes, Optimization, Vol. 68 (2019), 99-124. | |
56 | O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, The noncooperative transportation problem and linear generalized Nash games, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 266 (2018), 543-553. | |
55 | T. Bajbar, O. Stein, On globally diffeomorphic polynomial maps via Newton polytopes and circuit numbers, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 288 (2018), 915-933. | |
54 | P. Kirst, F. Rigterink, O. Stein, Global optimization of disjunctive programs, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 69 (2017), 283-307. | |
53 | O. Stein, Error bounds for mixed integer nonlinear optimization problems, Optimization Letters, Vol. 10 (2016), 1153-1168. | |
52 | P. Kirst, O. Stein, Solving disjunctive optimization problems by generalized semi-infinite optimization techniques, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 169 (2016), 1079-1109. | |
51 | O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, The cone condition and nonsmoothness in linear generalized Nash games, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 170 (2016), 687-709. | |
50 | P. Kirst, O. Stein, P. Steuermann, Deterministic upper bounds for spatial branch-and-bound methods in global minimization with nonconvex constraints, TOP, Vol. 23 (2015), 591-616. | |
49 | T. Bajbar, O. Stein, Coercive polynomials and their Newton polytopes, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 25 (2015), 1542-1570. This example by Sönke Behrends shows that the implication in Lemma 2.2 may not be reversed. | |
48 | O. Stein, Error bounds for mixed integer linear optimization problems, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 156 (2016), 101-123. | |
47 | O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, On smoothness properties of optimal value functions at the boundary of their domain under complete convexity, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 79 (2014), 327-352. | |
46 | N. Harms, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, Smoothness properties of a regularized gap function for quasi-variational inequalities, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 29 (2014), 720-750. | |
45 | O. Stein, P. Steuermann, On smooth relaxations of obstacle sets, Optimization and Engineering, Vol. 15 (2014), 3-33. | |
44 | O. Stein, Twice differentiable characterizations of convexity notions for functions on full dimensional convex sets, Schedae Informaticae, Vol. 21 (2012), 55-63. | |
43 | N. Harms, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, On differentiability properties of player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems, Optimization, Vol. 64 (2015), 365-388. | |
42 | O. Stein, How to solve a semi-infinite optimization problem, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 223 (2012), 312-320. | |
41 | M. Diehl, B. Houska, O. Stein, P. Steuermann, A lifting method for generalized semi-infinite programs based on lower level Wolfe duality, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 54 (2013), 189-210. | |
40 | O. Stein, P. Steuermann, The adaptive convexification algorithm for semi-infinite programming with arbitrary index sets, Mathematical Programming, Ser. B, Vol. 136 (2012), 183-207. | |
39 | V. Shikhman, O. Stein, On jet-convex functions and their tensor products, Optimization, Vol. 61 (2012), 717-731. | |
38 | A. Dreves, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, Nonsmooth optimization reformulations of player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 53 (2012), 587-614. | |
37 | D. Dorsch, V. Shikhman, O. Stein, Mathematical programs with vanishing constraints: critical point theory, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 52 (2012), 591-605. | |
36 | D. Ralph, O. Stein, The C-index: a new stability concept for quadratic programs with complementarity constraints, Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 36 (2011), 504-526. | |
35 | O. Stein, Lifting mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 131 (2012), 71-94. | |
34 | O. Stein, A. Winterfeld, A feasible method for generalized semi-infinite programming, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 146 (2010), 419-443. | |
33 | O. Stein, A. Tezel, The semismooth approach for semi-infinite programming without strict complementarity, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 20 (2009), 1052-1072. | |
32 | H. Günzel, H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Generalized semi-infinite programming: on generic local minimizers, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 42 (2008), 413-421. | |
31 | V. Shikhman, O. Stein, Constrained optimization: projected gradient flows, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 140 (2009), 117–130. | |
30 |
H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Smoothing by mollifiers. Part II: Nonlinear optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 41 (2008), 335-350. |
29 | H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Smoothing by mollifiers. Part I: Semi-infinite optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 41 (2008), 319-334. | |
28 | H. Günzel, H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Generalized semi-infinite programming: the Symmetric Reduction Ansatz, Optimization Letters, Vol. 2 (2008), 415-424. | |
27 | O. Stein, A. Tezel, The semismooth approach for semi-infinite programming under the Reduction Ansatz, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 41 (2008), 245-266. | |
26 | H. Günzel, H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, On the closure of the feasible set in generalized semi-infinite programming, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 15 (2007), 271-280. | |
25 | C. A. Floudas, O. Stein, The adaptive convexification algorithm: a feasible point method for semi-infinite programming, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 18 (2007), 1187-1208. | |
24 | S. D. Flåm, H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Slopes of shadow prices and Lagrange multipliers, Optimization Letters, Vol. 2 (2008), 143-155. | |
23 | F. Guerra Vázquez, J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, G. Still, Generalized semi-infinite programming: a tutorial, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 217 (2008), 394-419. | |
22 | J. Guddat, L. Neralic, O. Stein, Sensitivity analysis of the proportionate change of a subset of outputs or/and inputs in data envelopment analysis, Mathematical Communications, Vol. 11 (2006), 187-201. | |
21 | O. Stein, On Karush-Kuhn-Tucker points for a smoothing method in semi-infinite optimization, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 24 (2006), 719-732. | |
20 | O. Stein, M. Winkler, Amorphous molecular beam epitaxy: global solutions and absorbing sets, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 16 (2005), 767-798. | |
19 | O. Stein, J. Oldenburg, W. Marquardt, Continuous reformulations of discrete-continuous optimization problems, Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 28 (2004), 1951-1966. | |
18 | L. Neralic, O. Stein, On regular and parametric data envelopment analysis, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 60 (2004), 15-28. | |
17 | O. Stein, On constraint qualifications in non-smooth optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 121 (2004), 647-671. | |
16 | B. B. King, O. Stein, M. Winkler, A fourth order parabolic equation modeling epitaxial thin film growth, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 286 (2003), 459-490. | |
15 | H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, On the complexity of equalizing inequalities, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 27 (2003), 367-374. | |
14 | O. Stein, G. Still, Solving semi-infinite optimization problems with interior point techniques, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 42 (2003), 769-788. | |
13 | O. Stein, G. Still, On generalized semi-infinite optimization and bilevel optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 142 (2002), 444-462. | |
12 | H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Nonconvex optimization: gradient flows and deformation, Journal on Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 7 (2001), 425-446. | |
11 | O. Stein, The role of the transition function in a continuum model for kinetic roughening and coarsening in thin films, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol. 4 (2001), 405-416. | |
10 | O. Stein, First order optimality conditions for degenerate index sets in generalized semi-infinite programming, Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 26 (2001), 565-582. | |
9 | J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, On linear and linearized generalized semi-infinite optimization problems, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 101 (2001), 191-208. | |
8 | O. Stein, A note on the dual description of projected polytopes, Investigación Operacional, Vol. 22 (2001), 139-144. | |
7 | A. Jess, H. Th. Jongen, L. Neralic, O. Stein, A semi-infinite programming model in data envelopment analysis, Optimization, Vol. 49 (2001), 369-385. | |
6 | O. Stein, G. Still, On optimality conditions for generalized semi-infinite programming problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 104 (2000), 443-458. | |
5 | O. Stein, On level sets of marginal functions, Optimization, Vol. 48 (2000), 43-67. | |
4 | H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, On generic one-parametric semi-infinite optimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 7 (1997), 1103-1137. | |
3 | H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, Generalized semi-infinite optimization: a first order optimality condition and examples, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 83 (1998), 145-158. | |
2 | H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, Disjunctive optimization: critical point theory, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 93 (1997), 321-336. | |
1 | O. Stein, Bifurcations of hyperbolic fixed points for explicit Runge-Kutta methods, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 17 (1997), 151-175. |
Publications in Refereed Proceedings Volumes:
- R. Hettich, H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, On continuous deformations of semi-infinite optimization problems, in: M. Florenzano, J. Guddat, M. Jimenez, H.Th. Jongen, G. Lopez Lagomasino, F. Marcellan (eds): Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean II, Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., 1995, 406-424.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Parametric semi-infinite programming: jumps in the set of local minimizers, in: J. Guddat, H.Th. Jongen, F. Nozicka, G. Still, F. Twilt (eds): Parametric Optimization and Related Topics IV, Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., 1997, 161-175.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Constrained global optimization: adaptive gradient flows, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Frontiers in Global Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2004, 223-236.
- J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, On convex lower level problems in generalized semi-infinite optimization, in: M.A. Goberna, M.A. Lopez (eds): Semi-Infinite Programming - Recent Advances, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001, 121-134.
- O. Stein, Trap-doors in the solution set of semi-infinite optimization problems, in: P. Gritzmann, R. Horst, E. Sachs, R. Tichatschke (eds): Recent Advances in Optimization, Springer, Berlin, 1997, 348-355.
- O. Stein, The Reduction Ansatz in absence of lower semi-continuity, in: J. Guddat, R. Hirabayashi, H.Th. Jongen, F. Twilt (eds): Parametric Optimization and Related Topics V, Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., 2000, 165-178.
- O. Stein, The feasible set in generalized semi-infinite programming, in: M. Lassonde (ed): Approximation, Optimization and Mathematical Economics, Physica, Heidelberg, 2001, 309-327.
Books and Lecture Notes:
- O. Grothe, S. Nickel, S. Rebennack, O. Stein (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2022, Springer, 2023.
- S. Nickel, S. Rebennack, O. Stein, K.-H. Waldmann, Operations Research, 3. Aufl., SpringerGabler, 2022.
- O. Stein, Basic Concepts of Global Optimization, Springer, Berlin, 2024.
- O. Stein, Basic Concepts of Nonlinear Optimization, Springer, Berlin, 2024.
- O. Stein, Bi-level Strategies in Semi-infinite Programming, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2003.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Gemischt-ganzzahligen Optimierung, SpringerSpektrum, 2024.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Globalen Optimierung, 2. Aufl., SpringerSpektrum, 2021.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Konvexen Analysis, SpringerSpektrum, 2021.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Nichtlinearen Optimierung, 2. Aufl., SpringerSpektrum, 2021.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Parametrischen Optimierung, SpringerSpektrum, 2021.
- O. Stein, Multikriterielle Optimierung, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2022.
- O. Stein, On Parametric Semi-infinite Optimization, Shaker, Aachen, 1997.
- O. Stein, Parametrische Optimierung, FernUniversität in Hagen, 2004.
Contributions to Books:
- N. Bäuerle, O. Stein, Operations Research: Mathematical Methods, in: Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, 2015, 1–8.
- H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, Parametric global optimization: sensitivity, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Encyclopedia of Optimization, Vol. IV, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001, 273-278.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Quasi-Newton methods, in: M. Hazewinkel (ed): Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement II, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000, 396-398.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Smoothing methods for semi-infinite optimization, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Encyclopedia of Optimization, Second Edition, Part 19, Springer, 2009, 3617-3622.
- L. Lampariello, S. Sagratella, V. Shikhman, O. Stein, Interactions between bilevel optimization and Nash games, in: S. Dempe, A. Zemkoho (eds): Bilevel Optimization: Advances and Next Challenges, Springer, 2020, 3-26.
- O. Stein, A semi-infinite approach to design centering, in: S. Dempe, V. Kalashnikov (eds): Optimization with Multivalued Mappings, Springer, 2006, 209-228.
- O. Stein, Adaptive convexification in semi-infinite optimization, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Encyclopedia of Optimization, Second Edition, Part 1, Springer, 2009, 13-19.
- O. Stein, Continuous reformulations of discrete-continuous optimization problems, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Encyclopedia of Optimization, Second Edition, Part 3, Springer, 2009, 493-501.
- O. Stein, Generalized semi-infinite programming: optimality conditions, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Encyclopedia of Optimization, Second Edition, Part 7, Springer, 2009, 1227-1233.
Other Publications:
- J. A. Burns, B. B. King, O. Stein, Computational methods for identification and control of nanoscale materials, in: Proceedings of the 2000 MTNS (Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems), June 19-23, Perpignan, France, 2000.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Optimierung: Eine Welt von Minima und Maxima, RWTH Themen, Vol. 2 (2001), 20-26.
- K.-H. Küfer, O. Stein, A. Winterfeld, Semi-infinite optimization meets industry: a deterministic approach to gemstone cutting, SIAM News, Vol. 41, No. 8 (2008), 1 and 16.
- R. Mohr, O. Stein, An adaptive sample size trust-region method for finite-sum minimization, arXiv:1910.03294 [math.OC], 2019.
- O. Stein, On epitaxial thin film growth and control of nanoscale materials, Report 00-04-01, ICAM, Virginia Tech, 2000.
- O. Stein, Ein Schnellkurs in Matlab, Manual, Institute of Operations Research, Karlsruhe Institue of Technology, 2016.
Publications by Research Area
- My Active Research Interests
- My Resting Research Interests
- Applications
- Surveys
- Books and Lecture Notes
Most publications are related to multiple research areas.
Bilevel Optimization
- M. Beck, O. Stein, Semi-infinite models for equilibrium selection, Minimax Theory and its Applications, Vol. 9 (2024), 1-18.
- L. Lampariello, C. Neumann, J.M. Ricci, S. Sagratella, O. Stein, An explicit Tikhonov algorithm for nested variational inequalities, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 77 (2020), 335-350.
- L. Lampariello, C. Neumann, J.M. Ricci, S. Sagratella, O. Stein, Equilibrium selection for multi-portfolio optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 295 (2021), 363-373.
- L. Lampariello, S. Sagratella, V. Sasso, O. Stein, Solving multi-follower games, Optimization Online, 2023.
- L. Lampariello, S. Sagratella, V. Shikhman, O. Stein, Interactions between bilevel optimization and Nash games, in: S. Dempe, A. Zemkoho (eds): Bilevel Optimization: Advances and Next Challenges, Springer, 2020, 3-26.
- L. Lampariello, S. Sagratella, O. Stein, The standard pessimistic bilevel problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 29 (2019), 1634-1656.
- O. Stein, Bi-level Strategies in Semi-infinite Programming, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2003.
- O. Stein, G. Still, On generalized semi-infinite optimization and bilevel optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 142 (2002), 444-462.
Branch-and-Bound Methods
- G. Eichfelder, P. Kirst, L. Meng, O. Stein, A general branch-and-bound framework for continuous global multiobjective optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 80 (2021), 195-227.
- G. Eichfelder, O. Stein, L. Warnow, A solver for multiobjective mixed-integer convex and nonconvex optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 203 (2024), 1736-1766.
- C. Füllner, P. Kirst, O. Stein, Convergent upper bounds in global minimization with nonlinear equality constraints, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 187 (2021), 617-651.
- P. Kirst, F. Rigterink, O. Stein, Global optimization of disjunctive programs, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 69 (2017), 283-307.
- P. Kirst, S. Schwarze, O. Stein, A branch-and-bound algorithm for non-convex Nash equilibrium problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 34 (2024), 3371-3398.
- P. Kirst, O. Stein, P. Steuermann, Deterministic upper bounds for spatial branch-and-bound methods in global minimization with nonconvex constraints, TOP, Vol. 23 (2015), 591-616.
- C. Neumann, S. Schwarze, O. Stein, B. Müller, Feasible rounding based diving strategies in branch-and-bound methods for mixed-integer optimization, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, Vol. 10 (2022), 100051.
- S. Schwarze, O. Stein, A branch-and-prune algorithm for discrete Nash equilibrium problems, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 86 (2023), 491-519.
Constraint Qualifications
- O. Stein, A tutorial on properties of the epigraph reformulation, Optimization Online, 2024.
- O. Stein, On constraint qualifications in non-smooth optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 121 (2004), 647-671.
- O. Stein, M. Volk, Generalized polarity and weakest constraint qualifications in multiobjective optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 198 (2023), 1156-1190.
- O. Stein, M. Volk, On the weakest constraint qualification for sharp local minimizers, Optimization, Vol. 73 (2024), 3259-3274.
Convex Optimization
- A. Dreves, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, Nonsmooth optimization reformulations of player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 53 (2012), 587-614.
- N. Harms, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, On differentiability properties of player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems, Optimization, Vol. 64 (2015), 365-388.
- C. Neumann, O. Stein, Generating feasible points for mixed-integer convex optimization problems by inner parallel cuts, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 31 (2021), 2396-2428.
- J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, On convex lower level problems in generalized semi-infinite optimization, in: M.A. Goberna, M.A. Lopez (eds): Semi-Infinite Programming - Recent Advances, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001, 121-134.
- V. Shikhman, O. Stein, On jet-convex functions and their tensor products, Optimization, Vol. 61 (2012), 717-731.
- O. Stein, A note on the dual description of projected polytopes, Investigación Operacional, Vol. 22 (2001), 139-144.
- O. Stein, Twice differentiable characterizations of convexity notions for functions on full dimensional convex sets, Schedae Informaticae, Vol. 21 (2012), 55-63.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Konvexen Analysis, SpringerSpektrum, 2021.
- O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, On smoothness properties of optimal value functions at the boundary of their domain under complete convexity, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 79 (2014), 327-352.
Global Optimization
- M. Beck, O. Stein, Semi-infinite models for equilibrium selection, Minimax Theory and its Applications, Vol. 9 (2024), 1-18.
- G. Eichfelder, P. Kirst, L. Meng, O. Stein, A general branch-and-bound framework for continuous global multiobjective optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 80 (2021), 195-227.
- G. Eichfelder, O. Stein, Limit sets in global multiobjective optimization, Optimization, Vol. 73 (2024), 1-27.
- G. Eichfelder, O. Stein, L. Warnow, A solver for multiobjective mixed-integer convex and nonconvex optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 203 (2024), 1736-1766.
- C. Füllner, P. Kirst, O. Stein, Convergent upper bounds in global minimization with nonlinear equality constraints, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 187 (2021), 617-651.
- H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, Parametric global optimization: sensitivity, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Encyclopedia of Optimization, Vol. IV, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001, 273-278.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Constrained global optimization: adaptive gradient flows, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Frontiers in Global Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2004, 223-236.
- P. Kirst, F. Rigterink, O. Stein, Global optimization of disjunctive programs, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 69 (2017), 283-307.
- P. Kirst, S. Schwarze, O. Stein, A branch-and-bound algorithm for non-convex Nash equilibrium problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 34 (2024), 3371-3398.
- P. Kirst, O. Stein, Global optimization of generalized semi-infinite programs using disjunctive programming, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 73 (2019), 1-25.
- P. Kirst, O. Stein, P. Steuermann, Deterministic upper bounds for spatial branch-and-bound methods in global minimization with nonconvex constraints, TOP, Vol. 23 (2015), 591-616.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Globalen Optimierung, 2. Aufl., SpringerSpektrum, 2021.
Mixed-Integer Optimization
- M. Beck, S. Bolender, O. Stein, Optimal configurations for modular systems at the example of crane bridges, Optimization and Engineering (2024).
- C. Eggen, O. Stein, S. Volkwein, Granularity for mixed-integer polynomial optimization problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, to appear.
- G. Eichfelder, O. Stein, L. Warnow, A solver for multiobjective mixed-integer convex and nonconvex optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 203 (2024), 1736-1766.
- C. Neumann, S. Schwarze, O. Stein, B. Müller, Feasible rounding based diving strategies in branch-and-bound methods for mixed-integer optimization, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, Vol. 10 (2022), 100051.
- C. Neumann, O. Stein, Generating feasible points for mixed-integer convex optimization problems by inner parallel cuts, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 31 (2021), 2396-2428.
- C. Neumann, O. Stein, Feasible rounding approaches for equality constrained mixed-integer optimization problems, Optimization, Vol. 72 (2023), 581-606.
- C. Neumann, O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, A feasible rounding approach for mixed-integer optimization problems, Computational Optimization and Applications , Vol. 72 (2019), 309-337.
- C. Neumann, O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, Granularity in nonlinear mixed-integer optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 184 (2020), 433-465.
- C. Neumann, O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, Bounds on the objective value of feasible roundings, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 48 (2020), 299-313.
- S. Schwarze, O. Stein, A branch-and-prune algorithm for discrete Nash equilibrium problems, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 86 (2023), 491-519.
- O. Stein, Continuous reformulations of discrete-continuous optimization problems, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Encyclopedia of Optimization, Second Edition, Part 3, Springer, 2009, 493-501.
- O. Stein, Error bounds for mixed integer linear optimization problems, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 156 (2016), 101-123.
- O. Stein, Error bounds for mixed integer nonlinear optimization problems, Optimization Letters, Vol. 10 (2016), 1153-1168.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Gemischt-ganzzahligen Optimierung, SpringerSpektrum, 2024.
- O. Stein, J. Oldenburg, W. Marquardt, Continuous reformulations of discrete-continuous optimization problems, Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 28 (2004), 1951-1966.
Multicriteria Optimization
- M. Beck, O. Stein, Semi-infinite models for equilibrium selection, Minimax Theory and its Applications, Vol. 9 (2024), 1-18.
- G. Eichfelder, P. Kirst, L. Meng, O. Stein, A general branch-and-bound framework for continuous global multiobjective optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 80 (2021), 195-227.
- G. Eichfelder, O. Stein, Limit sets in global multiobjective optimization, Optimization, Vol. 73 (2024), 1-27.
- G. Eichfelder, O. Stein, L. Warnow, A solver for multiobjective mixed-integer convex and nonconvex optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 203 (2024), 1736-1766.
- O. Stein, Multikriterielle Optimierung, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2024.
- O. Stein, M. Volk, Generalized polarity and weakest constraint qualifications in multiobjective optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 198 (2023), 1156-1190.
Nash Equilibrium Problems
- M. Beck, O. Stein, Semi-infinite models for equilibrium selection, Minimax Theory and its Applications, Vol. 9 (2024), 1-18.
- A. Dreves, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, Nonsmooth optimization reformulations of player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 53 (2012), 587-614.
- N. Harms, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, On differentiability properties of player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems, Optimization, Vol. 64 (2015), 365-388.
- P. Kirst, S. Schwarze, O. Stein, A branch-and-bound algorithm for non-convex Nash equilibrium problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 34 (2024), 3371-3398.
- L. Lampariello, C. Neumann, J.M. Ricci, S. Sagratella, O. Stein, Equilibrium selection for multi-portfolio optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 295 (2021), 363-373.
- L. Lampariello, S. Sagratella, V. Sasso, O. Stein, Solving multi-follower games, Optimization Online, 2023.
- L. Lampariello, S. Sagratella, V. Shikhman, O. Stein, Interactions between bilevel optimization and Nash games, in: S. Dempe, A. Zemkoho (eds): Bilevel Optimization: Advances and Next Challenges, Springer, 2020, 3-26.
- S. Schwarze, O. Stein, A branch-and-prune algorithm for discrete Nash equilibrium problems, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 86 (2023), 491-519.
- O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, The cone condition and nonsmoothness in linear generalized Nash games, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 170 (2016), 687-709.
- O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, The noncooperative transportation problem and linear generalized Nash games, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 266 (2018), 543-553.
Nonconvex Optimization
- T. Bajbar, O. Stein, Coercive polynomials and their Newton polytopes, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 25 (2015), 1542-1570.
- T. Bajbar, O. Stein, On globally diffeomorphic polynomial maps via Newton polytopes and circuit numbers, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 288 (2018), 915-933.
- T. Bajbar, O. Stein, Coercive polynomials: Stability, order of growth, and Newton polytopes, Optimization, Vol. 68 (2019), 99-124.
- S. D. Flåm, H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Slopes of shadow prices and Lagrange multipliers, Optimization Letters, Vol. 2 (2008), 143-155.
- C. Füllner, P. Kirst, O. Stein, Convergent upper bounds in global minimization with nonlinear equality constraints, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 187 (2021), 617-651.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Quasi-Newton methods, in: M. Hazewinkel (ed): Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement II, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000, 396-398.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Nonconvex optimization: gradient flows and deformation, Journal on Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 7 (2001), 425-446.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Optimierung: Eine Welt von Minima und Maxima, RWTH Themen, Vol. 2 (2001), 20-26.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, On the complexity of equalizing inequalities, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 27 (2003), 367-374.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Constrained global optimization: adaptive gradient flows, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Frontiers in Global Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2004, 223-236.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Smoothing by mollifiers. Part II: Nonlinear optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 41 (2008), 335-350.
- P. Kirst, O. Stein, P. Steuermann, Deterministic upper bounds for spatial branch-and-bound methods in global minimization with nonconvex constraints, TOP, Vol. 23 (2015), 591-616.
- R. Mohr, O. Stein, An adaptive sample size trust-region method for finite-sum minimization, arXiv:1910.03294 [math.OC], 2019.
- V. Shikhman, O. Stein, Constrained optimization: projected gradient flows, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 140 (2009), 117–130.
- O. Stein, A tutorial on properties of the epigraph reformulation, Optimization Online, 2024.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Nichtlinearen Optimierung, 2. Aufl., SpringerSpektrum, 2021.
- O. Stein, M. Volk, On the weakest constraint qualification for sharp local minimizers, Optimization, Vol. 73 (2024), 3259-3274.
Nonsmooth Optimization
- D. Dorsch, V. Shikhman, O. Stein, Mathematical programs with vanishing constraints: critical point theory, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 52 (2012), 591-605.
- A. Dreves, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, Nonsmooth optimization reformulations of player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 53 (2012), 587-614.
- N. Harms, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, Smoothness properties of a regularized gap function for quasi-variational inequalities, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 29 (2014), 720-750.
- N. Harms, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, On differentiability properties of player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems, Optimization, Vol. 64 (2015), 365-388.
- P. Kirst, S. Schwarze, O. Stein, A branch-and-bound algorithm for non-convex Nash equilibrium problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 34 (2024), 3371-3398.
- L. Lampariello, S. Sagratella, V. Sasso, O. Stein, Solving multi-follower games, Optimization Online, 2023.
- O. Stein, A tutorial on properties of the epigraph reformulation, Optimization Online, 2024.
- O. Stein, On constraint qualifications in non-smooth optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 121 (2004), 647-671.
- O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, The cone condition and nonsmoothness in linear generalized Nash games, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 170 (2016), 687-709.
Parametric Optimization
- T. Bajbar, O. Stein, Coercive polynomials: Stability, order of growth, and Newton polytopes, Optimization, Vol. 68 (2019), 99-124.
- M. Beck, O. Stein, Semi-infinite models for equilibrium selection, Minimax Theory and its Applications, Vol. 9 (2024), 1-18.
- A. Dreves, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, Nonsmooth optimization reformulations of player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 53 (2012), 587-614.
- S. D. Flåm, H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Slopes of shadow prices and Lagrange multipliers, Optimization Letters, Vol. 2 (2008), 143-155.
- N. Harms, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, On differentiability properties of player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems, Optimization, Vol. 64 (2015), 365-388.
- R. Hettich, H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, On continuous deformations of semi-infinite optimization problems, in: M. Florenzano, J. Guddat, M. Jimenez, H.Th. Jongen, G. Lopez Lagomasino, F. Marcellan (eds): Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean II, Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., 1995, 406-424.
- H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, Parametric global optimization: sensitivity, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Encyclopedia of Optimization, Vol. IV, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001, 273-278.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, On generic one-parametric semi-infinite optimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 7 (1997), 1103-1137.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Parametric semi-infinite programming: jumps in the set of local minimizers, in: J. Guddat, H.Th. Jongen, F. Nozicka, G. Still, F. Twilt (eds): Parametric Optimization and Related Topics IV, Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., 1997, 161-175.
- L. Lampariello, S. Sagratella, V. Sasso, O. Stein, Solving multi-follower games, Optimization Online, 2023.
- L. Lampariello, S. Sagratella, O. Stein, The standard pessimistic bilevel problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 29 (2019), 1634-1656.
- L. Neralic, O. Stein, On regular and parametric data envelopment analysis, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 60 (2004), 15-28.
- O. Stein, On Parametric Semi-infinite Optimization, Shaker, Aachen, 1997.
- O. Stein, Trap-doors in the solution set of semi-infinite optimization problems, in: P. Gritzmann, R. Horst, E. Sachs, R. Tichatschke (eds): Recent Advances in Optimization, Springer, Berlin, 1997, 348-355.
- O. Stein, On level sets of marginal functions, Optimization, Vol. 48 (2000), 43-67.
- O. Stein, The Reduction Ansatz in absence of lower semi-continuity, in: J. Guddat, R. Hirabayashi, H.Th. Jongen, F. Twilt (eds): Parametric Optimization and Related Topics V, Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., 2000, 165-178.
- O. Stein, Parametrische Optimierung, FernUniversität in Hagen, 2004.
- O. Stein, On Karush-Kuhn-Tucker points for a smoothing method in semi-infinite optimization, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 24 (2006), 719-732.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Parametrischen Optimierung, SpringerSpektrum, 2021.
- O. Stein, P. Steuermann, On smooth relaxations of obstacle sets, Optimization and Engineering, Vol. 15 (2014), 3-33.
- O. Stein, G. Still, Solving semi-infinite optimization problems with interior point techniques, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 42 (2003), 769-788.
- O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, On smoothness properties of optimal value functions at the boundary of their domain under complete convexity, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 79 (2014), 327-352.
Polynomial Optimization
- C. Eggen, O. Stein, S. Volkwein, Granularity for mixed-integer polynomial optimization problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, to appear.
- T. Bajbar, O. Stein, Coercive polynomials and their Newton polytopes, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 25 (2015), 1542-1570.
- T. Bajbar, O. Stein, On globally diffeomorphic polynomial maps via Newton polytopes and circuit numbers, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 288 (2018), 915-933.
- T. Bajbar, O. Stein, Coercive polynomials: Stability, order of growth, and Newton polytopes, Optimization, Vol. 68 (2019), 99-124.
Data Envelopment Analysis
- J. Guddat, L. Neralic, O. Stein, Sensitivity analysis of the proportionate change of a subset of outputs or/and inputs in data envelopment analysis, Mathematical Communications, Vol. 11 (2006), 187-201.
- A. Jess, H. Th. Jongen, L. Neralic, O. Stein, A semi-infinite programming model in data envelopment analysis, Optimization, Vol. 49 (2001), 369-385.
- L. Neralic, O. Stein, On regular and parametric data envelopment analysis, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 60 (2004), 15-28.
Disjunctive Optimization
- H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, Disjunctive optimization: critical point theory, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 93 (1997), 321-336.
- P. Kirst, F. Rigterink, O. Stein, Global optimization of disjunctive programs, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 69 (2017), 283-307.
- P. Kirst, O. Stein, Solving disjunctive optimization problems by generalized semi-infinite optimization techniques, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 169 (2016), 1079-1109.
- P. Kirst, O. Stein, Global optimization of generalized semi-infinite programs using disjunctive programming, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 73 (2019), 1-25.
Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints
- C. A. Floudas, O. Stein, The adaptive convexification algorithm: a feasible point method for semi-infinite programming, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 18 (2007), 1187-1208.
- D. Ralph, O. Stein, The C-index: a new stability concept for quadratic programs with complementarity constraints, Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 36 (2011), 504-526.
- O. Stein, Lifting mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 131 (2012), 71-94.
- O. Stein, J. Oldenburg, W. Marquardt, Continuous reformulations of discrete-continuous optimization problems, Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 28 (2004), 1951-1966.
- O. Stein, P. Steuermann, The adaptive convexification algorithm for semi-infinite programming with arbitrary index sets, Mathematical Programming, Ser. B, Vol. 136 (2012), 183-207.
Ordinary Differential Equations
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Nonconvex optimization: gradient flows and deformation, Journal on Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 7 (2001), 425-446.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Constrained global optimization: adaptive gradient flows, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Frontiers in Global Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2004, 223-236.
- V. Shikhman, O. Stein, Constrained optimization: projected gradient flows, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 140 (2009), 117–130.
- O. Stein, Bifurcations of hyperbolic fixed points for explicit Runge-Kutta methods, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 17 (1997), 151-175.
Partial Differential Equations
- J. A. Burns, B. B. King, O. Stein, Computational methods for identification and control of nanoscale materials, in: Proceedings of the 2000 MTNS (Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems), June 19-23, Perpignan, France, 2000.
- B. B. King, O. Stein, M. Winkler, A fourth order parabolic equation modeling epitaxial thin film growth, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 286 (2003), 459-490.
- O. Stein, On epitaxial thin film growth and control of nanoscale materials, Report 00-04-01, ICAM, Virginia Tech, 2000.
- O. Stein, The role of the transition function in a continuum model for kinetic roughening and coarsening in thin films, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol. 4 (2001), 405-416.
- O. Stein, M. Winkler, Amorphous molecular beam epitaxy: global solutions and absorbing sets, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 16 (2005), 767-798.
Semi-infinite Optimization
- M. Beck, O. Stein, Semi-infinite models for equilibrium selection, Minimax Theory and its Applications, Vol. 9 (2024), 1-18.
- M. Diehl, B. Houska, O. Stein, P. Steuermann, A lifting method for generalized semi-infinite programs based on lower level Wolfe duality, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 54 (2013), 189-210.
- H. Djelassi, A. Mitsos, O. Stein, Recent advances in nonconvex semi-infinite programming: applications and algorithms, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, Vol. 9 (2021), 100006.
- C. A. Floudas, O. Stein, The adaptive convexification algorithm: a feasible point method for semi-infinite programming, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 18 (2007), 1187-1208.
- H. Günzel, H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, On the closure of the feasible set in generalized semi-infinite programming, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 15 (2007), 271-280.
- H. Günzel, H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Generalized semi-infinite programming: on generic local minimizers, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 42 (2008), 413-421.
- H. Günzel, H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Generalized semi-infinite programming: the Symmetric Reduction Ansatz, Optimization Letters, Vol. 2 (2008), 415-424.
- F. Guerra Vázquez, J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, G. Still, Generalized semi-infinite programming: a tutorial, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 217 (2008), 394-419.
- R. Hettich, H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, On continuous deformations of semi-infinite optimization problems, in: M. Florenzano, J. Guddat, M. Jimenez, H.Th. Jongen, G. Lopez Lagomasino, F. Marcellan (eds): Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean II, Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., 1995, 406-424.
- A. Jess, H. Th. Jongen, L. Neralic, O. Stein, A semi-infinite programming model in data envelopment analysis, Optimization, Vol. 49 (2001), 369-385.
- H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, Generalized semi-infinite optimization: a first order optimality condition and examples, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 83 (1998), 145-158.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, On generic one-parametric semi-infinite optimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 7 (1997), 1103-1137.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Parametric semi-infinite programming: jumps in the set of local minimizers, in: J. Guddat, H.Th. Jongen, F. Nozicka, G. Still, F. Twilt (eds): Parametric Optimization and Related Topics IV, Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., 1997, 161-175.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Smoothing by mollifiers. Part I: Semi-infinite optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 41 (2008), 319-334.
- H. Th. Jongen, O. Stein, Smoothing methods for semi-infinite optimization, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Encyclopedia of Optimization, Second Edition, Part 19, Springer, 2009, 3617-3622.
- P. Kirst, O. Stein, Solving disjunctive optimization problems by generalized semi-infinite optimization techniques, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 169 (2016), 1079-1109.
- P. Kirst, O. Stein, Global optimization of generalized semi-infinite programs using disjunctive programming, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 73 (2019), 1-25.
- K.-H. Küfer, O. Stein, A. Winterfeld, Semi-infinite optimization meets industry: a deterministic approach to gemstone cutting, SIAM News, Vol. 41, No. 8 (2008), 1 and 16.
- J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, On linear and linearized generalized semi-infinite optimization problems, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 101 (2001), 191-208.
- J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, On convex lower level problems in generalized semi-infinite optimization, in: M.A. Goberna, M.A. Lopez (eds): Semi-Infinite Programming - Recent Advances, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001, 121-134.
- O. Stein, On Parametric Semi-infinite Optimization, Shaker, Aachen, 1997.
- O. Stein, Trap-doors in the solution set of semi-infinite optimization problems, in: P. Gritzmann, R. Horst, E. Sachs, R. Tichatschke (eds): Recent Advances in Optimization, Springer, Berlin, 1997, 348-355.
- O. Stein, The Reduction Ansatz in absence of lower semi-continuity, in: J. Guddat, R. Hirabayashi, H.Th. Jongen, F. Twilt (eds): Parametric Optimization and Related Topics V, Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., 2000, 165-178.
- O. Stein, First order optimality conditions for degenerate index sets in generalized semi-infinite programming, Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 26 (2001), 565-582.
- O. Stein, The feasible set in generalized semi-infinite programming, in: M. Lassonde (ed): Approximation, Optimization and Mathematical Economics, Physica, Heidelberg, 2001, 309-327.
- O. Stein, Bi-level Strategies in Semi-infinite Programming, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2003.
- O. Stein, On Karush-Kuhn-Tucker points for a smoothing method in semi-infinite optimization, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 24 (2006), 719-732.
- O. Stein, A semi-infinite approach to design centering, in: S. Dempe, V. Kalashnikov (eds): Optimization with Multivalued Mappings, Springer, 2006, 209-228.
- O. Stein, Adaptive convexification in semi-infinite optimization, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Encyclopedia of Optimization, Second Edition, Part 1, Springer, 2009, 13-19.
- O. Stein, Generalized semi-infinite programming: optimality conditions, in: C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds): Encyclopedia of Optimization, Second Edition, Part 7, Springer, 2009, 1227-1233.
- O. Stein, How to solve a semi-infinite optimization problem, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 223 (2012), 312-320.
- O. Stein, P. Steuermann, The adaptive convexification algorithm for semi-infinite programming with arbitrary index sets, Mathematical Programming, Ser. B, Vol. 136 (2012), 183-207.
- O. Stein, G. Still, On optimality conditions for generalized semi-infinite programming problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 104 (2000), 443-458.
- O. Stein, G. Still, On generalized semi-infinite optimization and bilevel optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 142 (2002), 444-462.
- O. Stein, G. Still, Solving semi-infinite optimization problems with interior point techniques, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 42 (2003), 769-788.
- O. Stein, A. Tezel, The semismooth approach for semi-infinite programming under the Reduction Ansatz, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 41 (2008), 245-266.
- O. Stein, A. Tezel, The semismooth approach for semi-infinite programming without strict complementarity, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 20 (2009), 1052-1072.
- O. Stein, A. Winterfeld, A feasible method for generalized semi-infinite programming, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 146 (2010), 419-443.
Variational Inequalities
- N. Harms, C. Kanzow, O. Stein, Smoothness properties of a regularized gap function for quasi-variational inequalities, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 29 (2014), 720-750.
- L. Lampariello, C. Neumann, J.M. Ricci, S. Sagratella, O. Stein, An explicit Tikhonov algorithm for nested variational inequalities, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 77 (2020), 335-350.
- M. Beck, S. Bolender, O. Stein, Optimal configurations for modular systems at the example of crane bridges, Optimization and Engineering (2024).
- J. A. Burns, B. B. King, O. Stein, Computational methods for identification and control of nanoscale materials, in: Proceedings of the 2000 MTNS (Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems), June 19-23, Perpignan, France, 2000.
- K.-H. Küfer, O. Stein, A. Winterfeld, Semi-infinite optimization meets industry: a deterministic approach to gemstone cutting, SIAM News, Vol. 41, No. 8 (2008), 1 and 16.
- L. Lampariello, C. Neumann, J.M. Ricci, S. Sagratella, O. Stein, Equilibrium selection for multi-portfolio optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 295 (2021), 363-373.
- O. Stein, On epitaxial thin film growth and control of nanoscale materials, Report 00-04-01, ICAM, Virginia Tech, 2000.
- O. Stein, The role of the transition function in a continuum model for kinetic roughening and coarsening in thin films, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol. 4 (2001), 405-416.
- O. Stein, A semi-infinite approach to design centering, in: S. Dempe, V. Kalashnikov (eds): Optimization with Multivalued Mappings, Springer, 2006, 209-228.
- O. Stein, P. Steuermann, On smooth relaxations of obstacle sets, Optimization and Engineering, Vol. 15 (2014), 3-33.
- O. Stein, N. Sudermann-Merx, The noncooperative transportation problem and linear generalized Nash games, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 266 (2018), 543-553.
- C. Zimmerling, C. Poppe, O. Stein, L. Kärger, Optimisation of manufacturing process parameters for variable component geometries using reinforcement learning, Materials & Design, Vol. 214 (2022), 110423.
- N. Bäuerle, O. Stein, Operations Research: Mathematical Methods, in: Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, 2015, 1–8.
- H. Djelassi, A. Mitsos, O. Stein, Recent advances in nonconvex semi-infinite programming: applications and algorithms, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, Vol. 9 (2021), 100006.
- F. Guerra Vázquez, J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, G. Still, Generalized semi-infinite programming: a tutorial, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 217 (2008), 394-419.
- O. Stein, A tutorial on properties of the epigraph reformulation, Optimization Online, 2024.
- O. Stein, How to solve a semi-infinite optimization problem, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 223 (2012), 312-320.
Books and Lecture Notes
- O. Grothe, S. Nickel, S. Rebennack, O. Stein (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2022, Springer, 2023.
- S. Nickel, S. Rebennack, O. Stein, K.-H. Waldmann, Operations Research, 3. Aufl., SpringerGabler, 2022.
- O. Stein, Basic Concepts of Global Optimization, Springer, Berlin, 2024.
- O. Stein, Basic Concepts of Nonlinear Optimization, Springer, Berlin, 2024.
- O. Stein, Bi-level Strategies in Semi-infinite Programming, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2003.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Gemischt-ganzzahligen Optimierung, SpringerSpektrum, 2024.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Globalen Optimierung, 2. Aufl., SpringerSpektrum, 2021.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Konvexen Analysis, SpringerSpektrum, 2021.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Nichtlinearen Optimierung, 2. Aufl., SpringerSpektrum, 2021.
- O. Stein, Grundzüge der Parametrischen Optimierung, SpringerSpektrum, 2021.
- O. Stein, Multikriterielle Optimierung, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2024.
- O. Stein, On Parametric Semi-infinite Optimization, Shaker, Aachen, 1997.
- O. Stein, Parametrische Optimierung, FernUniversität in Hagen, 2004.
Popular Science Talks
- 13.08.15: Wie oft passt der Mond in die Erde?, KIT Kinder-Uni (KIT Children's University), KIT.
- 18.01.12: Von generischen Optimierungsproblemen zu geschliffenen Edelsteinen, Inaugural Lecture, Faculty of Mathematics, KIT.
- 29.04.09: Brauchbare Antworten auf OR-Fragen, Inaugural Lecture, Faculty of Economics and Business Engineering, KIT.
- 18.12.07: Size matters - Wie Operations Research uns zu größeren Edelsteinen verhilft, Uni im Rathaus, Karlsruhe.
Scientific Talks in the Past Five Years
Talks in Conferences
- 08.10.24: Branch-and-bound in multiobjective mixed-integer nonconvex optimization, Workshop on Mixed-Integer Multiobjective Optimization Problems, Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, Germany, October 7 - 9, 2024.
- 04.09.24: On the weakest constraint qualification for sharp local minimizers, OR 2024, Technical University of Munich, Germany, September 3 - 6, 2024.
- 27.06.24: On the weakest constraint qualification for sharp local minimizers, 21st EUROPT Conference on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Lund University, Sweden, June 26 - 28, 2024.
- 13.05.24: A branch-and-bound algorithm for nonconvex Nash equilibrium problems, Variational Analysis and Applications for Modeling of Energy Exchange, University of Trier, Trier, Germany, May 13-14, 2024.
- 04.07.23: Plenary talk "Branch-and-bound in multiobjective mixed-integer nonlinear optimization", Workshop on Learning from both sides - Linear and nonlinear mixed-integer optimization, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm, Sweden, July 3 - 7, 2023.
- 04.11.22: Generalized Polarity and Weakest Constraint Qualifications in Multi-objective Optimization, Arbeitsgruppentreffen zur Vektor- und Mengenwertigen Optimierung, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, November 3 –4, 2022.
- 15.09.22: Semi-infinite models for equilibrium selection, 12th International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related Topics, Augsburg, Germany, September 12 - 16, 2022.
- 07.09.22: Semi-infinite models for equilibrium selection, OR 2022, Karlsruhe, September 6 - 9, 2022.
- 30.07.22: Plenary talk "Branch-and-bound for continuous and mixed-integer multiobjective optimization", 19th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal, July 29 - 30, 2022.
- 09.07.21: Plenary talk "Granularity - a bridge between continuous and discrete optimization", 18th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Toulouse, France, July 7 - 9, 2021 (online).
- 07.07.21: A general branch-and-bound framework for global multiobjective optimization, 18th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Toulouse, France, July 7 - 9, 2021 (online).
- 20.05.21: On semi-infinite reformulations for equilibrium selection, Workshop on Applications of Semi-infinite Optimization, Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, Germany, May 20 - 21, 2021 (online).
- 09.12.20: A general branch-and-bound framework for global multiobjective optimization, Workshop on Geometry and Optimization in memory of Victor Zalgaller, Technion, Haifa, Israel, December 9, 2020 (online).
- 22.10.20: A general branch-and-bound framework for global multiobjective optimization, Arbeitsgruppentreffen zur Vektor- und Mengenwertigen Optimierung, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, October 22 - 23, 2020.
- 05.03.20: A general branch-and-bound framework for global multiobjective optimization, SIGOPT 2020, Dortmund, Germany, March 4 - 6, 2020.
Talks in Seminars and Colloquia
- 27.02.25: Branch-and-bound meets nonconvex Nash equilibrium problems, CORMSIS Seminar, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.
- 03.12.24: Branch-and-bound meets nonconvex Nash equilibrium problems, Felix Klein Colloquium, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
- 17.10.24: A branch-and-bound algorithm for non-convex Nash equilibrium problems, Research Seminar on Optimization, Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany.
- 16.01.24: Branch-and-bound in multiobjective mixed-integer nonlinear optimization, Mathematical Colloquium, Institute of Mathematics, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany.
- 17.10.23: A branch-and-bound algorithm for nonconvex Nash equilibrium problems, Colloquium of the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Passau, Passau, Germany.
- 27.06.23: Granularity - a bridge between continuous and discrete optimization, Oberseminar ”Numerical Optimization”, University of Konstanz, Konstanz.
- 02.08.22: Equilibrium selection: A rendezvous of Nash games, multicriteria optimization, and semi-infinite programming, EUROPT Summer School 2022, SST NOVA, Lisbon, Portugal.
- 09.06.22: The granularity concept in mixed-integer optimization, Optimization and Systems Theory Seminar, KTH Stockholm, Sweden.
- 14.-17.11.21: Equilibrium selection - multicriteria optimization and semi-infinite programming, UNIVERS Winter School on Optimization, Games and Markets, Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany.
- 17.05.21: The granularity concept in mixed-integer optimization, Algorithmic Optimization Colloquium, University of Trier, Trier (online), Germany.
- 22.07.20: A general branch-and-bound framework for global multiobjective optimization, Variational Analysis and Optimisation Webinar (online).
- 27.01.20: On pessimistic bilevel optimization, AICES-SSD Seminar Series, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany.
Curriculum Vitae
Professional Experience: | 10/2010 - | Co-opted member of the Faculty of Mathematics, KIT |
10/2008 - 09/2014: | Vice dean of education at the Faculty of Economics and Business Engineering | |
09/2008 - 03/2023: | Lecturer at the Hector School for Engineering and Management | |
11/2006 - | Full Professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | |
07/2005 - 11/2006: | Heisenberg fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG) | |
02/2006 - 04/2006: | Academic Visitor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University, USA | |
07/2005 - 09/2005: | Academic Visitor at the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK | |
04/2005 - 06/2005: | Assistant Professor at RWTH Aachen University | |
10/2004 - 03/2005: | Full Professor (substituting) at the University of Duisburg-Essen | |
10/2002 - 09/2004: | Assistant Professor at RWTH Aachen University | |
04/2002 - 09/2002: | Full Professor (substituting) at the Chemnitz University of Technology | |
04/2000 - 03/2002: | Assistant Professor at RWTH Aachen University | |
04/1999 - 04/2000: | Postdoc at the Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Mathematics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA, USA | |
and fellowship holder of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung | ||
07/1997 - 03/1999: | Assistant Professor at RWTH Aachen University | |
01/1997 - 06/1997: | Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter at RWTH Aachen University | |
04/1995 - 12/1996: | Member and scholarship holder of the "Graduiertenkolleg Mathematische Optimierung" at the University of Trier | |
03/1994 - 12/1994: | Teaching Assistant at the University of Trier | |
Education and degrees: | 07/2002: | Habilitation at RWTH Aachen University, Venia Legendi for Mathematics |
Habilitation Thesis: Bi-level Strategies in Semi-infinite Programming | ||
01/1997: | Graduation "mit Auszeichnung" (summa cum laude) | |
Advisors: Prof. Dr. R. Hettich, University of Trier, | ||
and Prof. Dr. H. Th. Jongen, RWTH Aachen University | ||
Doctoral Thesis: On parametric semi-infinite optimization | ||
12/1993: | Diploma in mathematics (C/G numerical analysis) and economics at the University of Trier, Germany | |
Grants and awards: | 02/2022: | EUROPT Fellow 2022 of the EURO Working Group on Continuous Optimization |
2014-2022: | Hector Teaching Awards 2011/2012, 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2019/2020 | |
12/2013: | TOP-5 paper published in Journal of Global Optimization in 2012 | |
11/2011: | KIT faculty teaching award | |
07/2005 - 11/2006: | Heisenberg fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | |
04/1999 - 04/2000: | Feodor Lynen fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung | |
04/1990 - 09/1993: | Scholarship of the Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung | |
Professional Societies: | DMV, GOR, MOS, SIAM, SIGOPT | |
Member of several conference program and organization committees | ||
Other Professional Activities: | 1994 - 1996: | Mathematical consultant at the "Institut für Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitsbeziehungen in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (IAAEG)", Trier |
1989 - 1994: | Freelancer at the news agency "Associated Press", Frankfurt a.M. |